How to Get YouTube Subscribers on a New Channel Daily

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If you want to know how to get YouTube subscribers on a new channel daily, then you must read this full informative article.

You may think that getting YouTube subscribers for a new channel is impossible or extremely hard to achieve. But in reality, it’s actually pretty easy. Read this article till the end because I’m going to discuss 10 amazing tips to get up to 100 YouTube subscribers daily on a new channel.

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Tip #1: Live Streaming

obs live stream

Live-streaming is a great way to get subscribers and the reason for this is because it’s basically like a constant video it’s a never-ending or non-stop video that’s constantly playing on your channel. So, all you have to do is to download OBS which is free software that allows you to stream on YouTube in Twitch. Start live-streaming about something that’s interesting. It doesn’t have to be anything that’s actually hard to live stream about. Just something that gets views and then simply adds your own subscriber count’ to the top and makes sure to put something in the stream itself to encourage people to want to subscribe to you.

A good way to do this is to encourage people to subscribe and at a certain milestone, you’ll do a giveaway. Since the only thing limiting you to doing this successfully is your own Wi-Fi, I recommend going and getting an Ethernet cable to plug into your computer which only costs a few bucks. Some of the examples that you can live-stream about to get views and subscribers are such as non-stop meditation/relaxation music, PewDiePie vs. t-series subscriber counts, 24-hour cartoon videos, etc. I hope you get the point. Feel free to use your own imagination as well.

Tip #2: Giveaways

I previously mentioned it is a good idea to actually incorporate different ways within your live streams to encourage people to subscribe to your YouTube channel. At first, it seems complicated to start up this whole giveaway thing but thanks to the help of handy websites that have come out recently and hosting giveaways for your subscribers. It has never been so easier. All you need to do is go to the website called This website allows you to create giveaways.

Once you sign up, it actually gives you an option to create your first giveaway. The website calls these giveaways as competitions but don’t be confused because this is the same thing. All you need to do is have something to actually give away. It doesn’t have to be anything big or spectacular, just something that people might like. The website allows you to set the parameters and time limits of the giveaway. Once the time runs out, it gives you the option to randomly choose a winner. From there on, it allows you to email them and continue to finish the giveaway. It’s just that easy.

Tip #3: Special Subscribe Link in the Description of the Video

Now this is the easiest one yet very effective tip to get subscribers on your channel. While you have subscribe button as well but putting this link in the description of your YouTube video increases the chances of getting more subscribers on your channel easily.

To put this special link, copy the link given below and replace SampleName with your channel name. Make sure that rest of the link is intact.

Use the link after putting your channel name in the description of each of your YouTube channel videos. Ask your viewers to click on the link to get more updates regularly or give some other catchy caption so that they should click on it. As soon as they click on it a window asking them to confirm the subscription will popup. This is another easy way to get subscribers on your channel.

Tip #4: Collaborations with other YouTubers


One of the important tips to get subscribers on YouTube channel each day is to collaborate with other YouTubers. People seem to underestimate how powerful collaborations can really be. Let’s say you have a total of 1,000 subscribers and you find someone who does similar content to you that also has a thousand subscribers. This could be an opportunity for your YouTube channel of getting a thousand extra viewers which could potentially become a thousand extra subscribers.

It is really not that hard to find a collaboration like that. All you need to do is go to a website called Sign up on this website. Basically, this website scans your channel and it gives you collaborations that are similar to your channel size. It’s a free and easy way to find people to collaborate with and grow your YouTube channel by getting up to or may be more than 100 subscribers per day.

Tip #5: Improved Click-Through Rate (CTR)

This tip is the one that I personally wish more people would give importance to. I think there is a fair chance that you are not maximizing the full potential of views you could be getting. What I mean is that your videos should have an improved click-through rate. Go to the analytics section of your YouTube channel and click on the reach viewers option. This is going to give you a section that shows you how many impressions your channel or individual videos have. You can also find the click-through rate of your entire channel here.

What a click-through rate is? It is basically that how often someone clicks your videos for how many times they’re shown to them. So, if someone sees your video and doesn’t click on it, then it is going to negatively affect it. If you have a bad click-through rate, then it basically means that you don’t have good thumbnails which attract people to click on your videos and watch them. One of the best tools that you can use to create eye-catching thumbnails easily is Canva. It is a free-to-use tool. You can do many things related to graphics on this website at a professional level.

Tip #6: Improved Audience Retention


One of the other important tips to get more viewers and then ultimately up to 100 subscribers each day is to improve audience retention of your videos. This is no more a hidden truth that YouTube increases the reach of those videos that have a good audience retention rate. The audience retention rate means how long people watch your video versus the total duration of the video. For example, if you have uploaded a 10 minutes long video and on average people have watched 6 minutes of the video then it means the audience retention rate of your video is 60%. Ideally, each of your videos should have 100% audience retention but that is not possible at all. So, from my experience, I can tell you that a good audience retention is something around 35% or above.

You can check the audience retention rate for each of your videos by going to the channel analytics and then clicking on Engagement option. Here look for average view duration that is your audience retention on the channel.

To improve your audience retention, you have only first 15 to 20 seconds of your video. If these 15 to 20 seconds of your video are conveying the most interesting thing about your video that can hook the viewers longer then it means you have nailed it and your video will have a good audience retention rate.

Tip #7: Proper SEO of Each Video Uploaded on Your Channel

SEO is search engine optimization. In YouTube, the proper SEO of a video means you are making your video searchable against the queries people make to search videos on YouTube. If your videos are appearing more frequently in search results then it means that your videos may get more views and if your content is really helpful for the people then they will convert into subscribers. If you have not done good SEO of your videos then there is a fair chance that they will never appear in search results.

The SEO of a YouTube video includes three things. The first one is the title of the video which should be relevant to the video and which should be searched by many people on YouTube. It means you should finalize the title before the video so that you create your video as per the title. You can find searchable video title ideas by writing the few words of the title in the search bar of YouTube and let it show the search suggestions. Note these search suggestions and use them as your YouTube video titles.

The second thing is selecting tags for your video. Tags are search queries that you attach with your video so that when people search these queries on YouTube then your video may appear in their search results. The tools that you can use for keywords are or chrome extensions of vidIQ or Tube Buddy. Your keywords should be related to your title. It is not necessary that they are similar to the title but their meaning should be supportive to the title.

The third thing in SEO is writing the description of the video in such a way that it has the title and most of the tags of your video inserted smartly in it. Once you have all these three ingredients in your videos in the correct amount, then it means you have a fair chance to get more views and ultimately more subscribers on your channel.

Tip #8: Shout Out


Another important tip to get subscribers on the daily basis is to approach YouTubers with a decent number of subscribers to give a shout-out to your channel. Always find those YouTube channels for shout out that have the same niche as yours because if your channel is tech based and you are getting a shout out from a beauty products channel then it is going to be useless because their audience is more interested to see the beauty-related videos and not the tech-related.

Most of the YouTubers give the contact information such as their email, website, social media pages in the description of their videos or you can find the contact information in the about section of the YouTube channel. Approach them for the shout-out. Most of them charge some money to give your channel a shout-out so make sure that you bet on the right horse.

Tip #9: Call to Action

Another important tip to get more subscribers on your channel is to ask your viewers to subscribe your channel. I have seen that most of the YouTubers ask to subscribe their channel in the first 30 seconds of the video which is the bad practice. Remembered the audience retention? If we are going to say same subscribe thing in each video in the beginning then there is a strong chance that people will skip your video.

Here is what I suggest from my experience. Start your video with the most interesting hook part of the video. This could be 20 to 30 seconds. After that put a short clip of asking people to subscribe your channel or maybe you can just pop up a silent call to action banner on the bottom of your video while the actual video goes on. In this way, the watching experience of the viewers will not be interrupted. After the call to subscription, you may start with your video.

Tip #10: Share on Social Media Platforms


The last important tip in my list is using the power of social media platforms. Try to create pages on Facebook and Instagram with the same name as your YouTube channel. Post your videos regularly on these pages and try to engage people through likes and comments. You never know that which post of your get viral on Facebook or Instagram. Basically, by posting your videos on the social media pages you are multiplying the chances of your videos to get viral. This will not only give your more views but more subscribers as well.

I hope you like this list of 10 very use tips on how to get YouTube subscribers on your channel. Browse through other topics on my website in order get useful information related to tech, social media and freelancing.

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