How to Create a Zoom Account on Computer or Mobile Phone

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Since the COVID-19 has changed many things around the world whether it is online education or work from home or even marriage ceremonies, people are getting more towards virtual meetings in order to stay safe and still carrying out routine tasks. Among a number of tools for online meetings, Zoom is one of the most used and most reliable online meetings tool. Hence, we are starting a series of articles related to Zoom so that our readers can get most out of it. In this post, we will show you how to create a Zoom account.

How to Create a Zoom Account using Zoom Website on Laptop or a Desktop

Step 1: Go to the Zoom website or Click Here. Once you are at Zoom website, click on SIGN UP, IT’s Free button.

How to Create a Zoom Account Step 1

Step 2: Enter your date of birth and click Continue button.

How to Create a Zoom Account Step 2

Step 3: At this page, you can see four options to sign up with. First one is with your email address. Second one is using SSO, third using Google account and fourth using Facebook account. We are demonstrating using email address. So enter the email address and click the Sign Up button.

How to Create a Zoom Account Step 3

It will redirect you to the following activation email sent page.

How to Create a Zoom Account Step 3-1

Step 4: Check the inbox of email which you have used to sign up for Zoom. You will have an email like this. Click on Activate Account button.

How to Create a Zoom Account Step 4

Step 5: You will be redirected to the following page. Enter the required details and click Continue button.

How to Create a Zoom Account Step 5

Step 6: It will ask you whether you want to invite your colleagues on Zoom via their email addresses. We will skip this step and click on Skip this step button.

How to Create a Zoom Account Step 6

Step 7: You will be redirected to the following page showing your personal meeting URL. Copy this URL to invite people in future for meetings with you. To start a test meeting, click on Start Meeting Now button.

How to Create a Zoom Account Step 7

Step 8: At this page, you have two options to start the meeting in web browser. One is by clicking on Open Zoom Meeting on the dialog box shown by the web browser. However, if it is not shown then you can use the other option by clicking on Launch Meeting button. Also, if you want to install Zoom Desktop Client and want to attend meeting on it, then click on Download Now.

How to Create a Zoom Account Step 8

Step 9: We want to start meeting in web browser so we will click on Launch Meeting button and then we will see Join from Your Browser option. So, we will click on it.

How to Create a Zoom Account Step 9

Step 10: Zoom meeting has almost started and we are only one click away now. Click on Join Audio by Computer button.

How to Create a Zoom Account Step 10

Step 11: Web browser will show a dialog box to get permission to use microphone for Zoom meeting. Click on Allow button.

How to Create a Zoom Account Step 11

Step 12: If you want to end a meeting, click on End button.

How to Create a Zoom Account Step 12

Here, you will see two options. Click on Leave Meeting if only you want to leave meeting while
other participants can continue. Alternatively, if you want to end meeting for everyone, then click on
End Meeting for All.

How to Create a Zoom Account Step 12-1

How to Create a Zoom Account using Zoom App on a Smartphone

Step 1: Open the play store or app store and search Zoom Cloud Meetings. Click on install button to install the Zoom app on your phone.

How to Create Account on Zoom in Mobile Phone - Step 1

Step 2: Click on Sign Up option.

How to Create Account on Zoom in Mobile Phone - Step 2

Step 3: Set your date of birth.

How to Create Account on Zoom in Mobile Phone - Step 3

Step 4: Enter the email address, first name and last name to be used for your Zoom account. Click Sign Up button.

How to Create Account on Zoom in Mobile Phone - Step 4

You will see this Activation Email Sent screen on your mobile.

How to Create Account on Zoom in Mobile Phone - Step 5

Step 5: Click on the Activate Account button in the email you receive on your email address.

How to Create Account on Zoom in Mobile Phone - Step 6

Step 6: Set your password and click the Continue button.

How to Create Account on Zoom in Mobile Phone - Step 7

Step 7: This is optional step that if you want to invite your friends or colleagues then you can enter their email addresses here and invite. We will skip it and click on Skip this step button.

How to Create Account on Zoom in Mobile Phone - Step 8

Step 8: Here you can see your personal meeting link. Copy and save it for future use. Click on
Start Meeting button.

How to Create Account on Zoom in Mobile Phone - Step 9

A pop up will show you Zoom app and web browsers installed on your mobile phone as options to start the Zoom meeting. We will click on Zoom app icon.

How to Create Account on Zoom in Mobile Phone - Step 10

Step 9: Click on Sign In button and enter the email address and password to start the meeting.

How to Create Account on Zoom in Mobile Phone - Step 11

Step 10: The meeting in Zoom app has started.

How to Create Account on Zoom in Mobile Phone - Step 12

Step 11: To end the meeting, click on End button.

How to Create Account on Zoom in Mobile Phone - Step 13-2

You will have two options. Either to Leave Meeting or End Meeting for All. Choose the option as per your requirements.

How to Create Account on Zoom in Mobile Phone - Step 13-1


This is how you can create a Zoom account on desktop, laptop or mobile phone. If you feel any difficulty to sign up on Zoom, then please do share in the comments section and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible. Please do not forget to check other posts of this Zoom Tutorial Series.

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